Hello! This is a quick post to share with the world a simple finance calculator I made for your Kickstarter project.
If you click on that link above, it will take you to a Google Sheet which allows you to:
Determine your Kickstarter goal based on your expenses before and after the campaign.
Figure out the minimum number of backers you need to fund based on the average pledge to your campaign (this will work as a conservative estimate in the sense that most campaigns skew higher than the average possible pledge, so you should end up needing fewer backers).
See your margins for D2C based on your direct cost of sales, as well as the cost of sales + acquisition of a customer.
Figure out your target acquisition of a customer cost, taking into account your target backer count and your marketing budget.
To use this for yourself, after clicking on the link, make a copy so it can be edited.
Hopefully, you find this useful, and if you have any feedback please let me know and I can update the version linked above.